Friday, August 26, 2011

Who Loves a Little Pete the Cat?

I enjoy Pete the Cat  on so many levels.  I love the simplicity of the book for my kindergarten students learning colors and loving a blue cat singing a predictable song.  Yet, I also love the complexity of it from an adult's point of view:  If we could all be so calm and relaxed in our little worlds (like Pete the Cat) when life throws us curve balls, our entire society would benefit.  I am hoping that, as the year goes on, and I continuously refer back to our friend, Pete, during sticky situations, the children will begin to grasp the greater concept hidden in one of their all-time favorite books.
Here are our Deanna Jump inspired Petes!
I began the school year with this book during KinderKamp and, since the students loved it so much, I decided I would continue when the new year begins with them next week.  I created an activity kit for that purpose that is jam packed with differentiated activities that can be used in a variety of ways for students of all ages.
One of my favorite things to do with children is directed drawings, so what better activity to create than a directed drawing Step By Step Guide on how to draw Pete the Cat.  Once you start doing directed drawings with your students, you won't be able to stop.  There are so many benefits of doing it in a whole group lesson, even beyond the basic listening skills and the transfer of the "learning to draw" skills.  Of course, I couldn't stop there, I went on to make materials for a retelling center and a reading center. 

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